Deep Traffic Light Red - 1.16 carat African Ruby
This ruby is pure classic red, a deep tranquil red, not the aggressive wild red we sometimes see in Namya or lately also in Tanzania. No pink, no purple, just red-red as far as nature allows. No inclusions visible to the unaided eye.
Fiery Orange - 10.10 carat Tajiki Clinohumite
These gems are extremely rare in any size. The biggest gem quality clinohumite ever cut was 36 carat, so we are happy to have this size in our inventory. As visible on the image, this clinohumite is rather included but only with colorless bubbles. This gives the gem an especially mystical gleam.
Gemological rarity found only in Sri lanka. Fine value yellow gem - hard and tough for jewelry and also a highlight for any collector. Masterfully cut.
Intense Metallic Green - 2.08 carat Chrome Diopside
Sri Lankan chrome diopside at its Sunday best. Stunning greener than green and free of inclusions. Beats any (many or even most) emeralds and does not cost a fortune.
Cornflower Blue - 2.71 carat Ceylon Star Sapphire
This is a nearly transparent oval cabochon mild cornflower blue sapphire with a centered, razor-sharp, full-legged star. Only on the outer edge will you spot some surface structures, other than that the gem is clean and crisp.
This is a nearly transparent oval cabochon mild cornflower blue sapphire with a centered, razor-sharp, full-legged star. Only on the outer edge will you spot some surface structures, other than that the gem is clean and crisp.
Rich Rose Purple - 1.535 carat Ceylon Sapphire
Richly colored purple with a strong dash of rose red. Definitely not your every-day sapphire. Inclusions visible only to the trained eye. The stronger the tungsten light, the more rose it seems. Purple sapphires are still under priced and much more affordable than blue or pink sapphire, yet they are are beautiful and pleasant to the eye.
Richly colored purple with a strong dash of rose red. Definitely not your every-day sapphire. Inclusions visible only to the trained eye. The stronger the tungsten light, the more rose it seems. Purple sapphires are still under priced and much more affordable than blue or pink sapphire, yet they are are beautiful and pleasant to the eye.
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